Zoom update 5.4.7
Zoom update 5.4.7

UserAgent="Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh Intel Mac OS X $Įxit code it does work but I would like to ad PackageRecommend into the mix so the user's can toggle it after the no facebook settings. # Set the User Agent string for use with curl In the Zoom preferences, set the video source to Webcam. OSvers_URL=$( sw_vers -productVersion | sed 's//_/g' ) Update to the latest version of Zoom (5.4.7 or greater), older versions of Zoom will not work. # Get OS version and adjust for use with the URL string Logfile="/Library/Logs/ZoomInstallScript.log" # CHECK TO SEE IF A VALUE WAS PASSED IN PARAMETER 1 AND, IF SO, ASSIGN TO "lang"

zoom update 5.4.7 zoom update 5.4.7

General features Support for Apple Silicon. Here's a look at what's new in this version. # (Adapted from the script by Joe Farage, ) Zoom has released a 5.4.7 update to its video conference application with native support for M1 Macs. # - Installs or updates Zoom Adapted it a little from original to quit out of zoom if it is open.

Zoom update 5.4.7